Facs + Commonly Asked Questions:
What is therapy? Therapy is a collaborative conversation between the patient and the therapist built on focusing on the problems identified from the first meeting. We build a treatment plan to obtain the goals in sessions preceeding, and re evaluate these goals every 8-12 sessions. Treatment is complete when the goals are met.
What kinds of concerns do you bring to counseling? Anxiety, stress, trauma and a general struggle with connecting with others are common issues brought to my practice.
What is counseling like? Counseling is a very unique process that is tailored to each patients needs. Commonly an agreed upon appointment is made weekly or biweekly and goals are reviewed every 8-12 weeks to determine future needs. Expressive arts sessions are common, as well as integrating "Geek Therapy", which uses the patients interests in session to meet their goals.
Is what I say kept confidential? Yes, mostly. The identified patient sets limitations on confidentiality within the treatment planning to include or disinclude as you like. However there are ethical boundaries that preclude two specific scenarios, should the patient become a harm to themselves or others. Within those guidelines and respective to the state of Kansas, all other information is confidential.
How often will I meet with my therapist? The average session is 45-55 minutes.
How long will I have to be in counseling? This is an interesting question, and the answer is it varies on treatment plan and goals. Come in ready to work both inside and outside of session? Treatment progress has been made within 8 weeks, however goals can change, and treatment is tailored to needs as they change.
What is my next step? Feel this is a fit for you? Schedule an appointment at 785-251-8650 or via email hello@mytherapies.org.